Credible Cyber Risk Management
Implementing a cybersecurity risk management program for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, based on realistic risk assessments, establishes a strong foundation to achieve greater operational efficiencies with fewer hazards, fewer causes, and fewer people exposed to cyber threats.
ORIGNIX’s cybersecurity risk management services help your stakeholder obtain reliable information and gain the confidence offered by ORIGNIX helps your stakeholders gain confidence to support informed decision making, improving productivity and profitability, and enhancing your reputation.
Sustainable Cyber Governance
Getting an industrial cybersecurity governance framework working effectively and understanding the cybersecurity governance maturity of your business is incredibly essential for senior leaders, executive teams, and the board.
ORIGNIX develops a fit-for-purpose industrial cybersecurity governance framework that seamlessly integrates with your business governance frameworks for the inherently safer and secure design and operation of your industrial processes.
Engineered Cyber Resilience
Designing tailor-made security controls based on proven IT, plant safety, and engineering best practices is critical for the data integrity, efficient real-time plant control, and proper functioning of plant safety functions.
ORIGNIX implements appropriate cybersecurity controls to mitigate prioritized cyber vulnerabilities and improve your business’ resilience against cyber incidents.
Efficient Cyber Incident Management
Establishing cyber incident management processes and mechanisms enhances the resilience and reliability of your operations environment.
ORIGNIX helps improve your security team’s capabilities to identify events of interest on time by providing necessary training programs to raise awareness and knowledge.